12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Белова Светлана Сергеевна8516
Россия, Ярославская обл.
Материал размещён в группе «Учителя иностранного языка»

Name: _____________________________________________ ___

Class:___________________ Date:_______________________________

TEST 7 (MODULE 7) Mark________ (100)


A. Match the opposites describing seasons and clothes.



a) wrong



b) hot



c) wet



d) short



e) light



f) loose



g) low



h) old

Points: _______ (8)

B. Match the beginnings (1—9) and the endings of the sentences/phrases (a—i).

It’s raining.

When it rains ...

When it’s hot ...

The sun is shining!

When it’s very cold ...

Look, it’s snowy.

It’s summer in the picture.

Look out of the window! It’s very cold.

When it’s foggy ...

we take an umbrella.

Let’s go swimming!

we put on warm jackets.

Put on your raincoat.

The children are wearing warm scarves and gloves.

my Dad doesn’t drive.

The girl is picking flowers.

Let’s make a snowman !

we go swimming.

Points: _______ (9)

C. Find the odd word.

1. cold – stars-warm- hot

2. boots-shoes-trainers- hat

3. the USA- January-July-August

4. jeans- trousers-skirt- umbrella

Points: _______ (8)


D. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.


What__________________(you/do) now?

She__________________(not/swim) well.

It__________________(rain) at this moment.

He__________________(go) to school on foot.

The birds__________________(not/fly) in the sky now.

Points: _______ (12)

E. Underline the correct form of the verb.

1. John makes/is making a sandcastle at the moment.

2. Every day we go/are going to school.

3. Linda waters/is watering flowers now.

4. Listen! The baby cries/ is crying.

5. I always wash/am washing my hands.

Points: _______ (10)

F. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

we/ swimming/ are/this /moment/at




are / we/a/having/time/great/here




we/play/often/tennis/on /Mondays


Points: _______ (10)

Everyday English

G. Choose the correct response.

What is the weather like today? _______

How do I look in this? _______

What size are you? _______

How much is it? _______

How can I help you? _______

You look lovely!


It’s 40 dollars.

I’m looking for a scarf.

It ‘s hot.

Points: _______ (10)


H. Match the titles to the season descriptions. One title is extra.

A. Winter

B. Spring

C. Summer

D. Autumn

E. Seasons

1. What happens: it gets colder; days get shorter; Indian summer comes; leaves have beautiful colours; birds migrate to warm countries; it rains a lot; school starts.

What we can do: fly kites; rake leaves; pick apples.

2. What happens: school finishes; holidays start; days get longer; there grow a lot of vegetables and fruit; it is often hot.

What we can do: go on holidays; go to the beach; sunbathe and swim; have a picnic; go diving; eat ice cream; go camping.

3. What happens: the snow melts; nature awakens from its winter sleep; the first flowers appear: snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils; birds come back from the south; new animals are born. What we can do: plant seeds; work in the garden; fall in love.

4. What happens: the first frosts come: rivers and lakes are frozen; there is Christmas & New Year.

What we can do: make a snowman; play snowballs; go skiing and skating.

Points: _______ (8)


Listen the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).

1. The weather in England changes as often as in other countries.

2. The winds from the Atlantic Ocean make the climate in England mild.

3. In England they usually have three windy days, then two days without wind.

4. An umbrella or a raincoat is a must in spring in England.

5. August is the hottest month in England.

Points: _______ (10)

J. You're going to write an e-mail to your English-speaking pen friend about your favourite place for holidays in different seasons. Answer the three questions. What is the place? What's the weather like there? What do you usually do there? Write 50-60 words.

Points: _______ (10)



English people say “Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather”. The weather changes more often in England than in other countries. British winters are mild and springs are cool because of the winds from the Atlantic Ocean. They blow two days out of every three.

In spring sunshine often changes for showers during the day. So in spring one must have an umbrella or a raincoat in England. Spring is the season when nature awakens from its long winter sleep. Everything is full of new life again. The days grow longer and warmer; the ground gets covered with green grass.

Summer is the hottest season in England. It’s time for holidays, when people go to the seaside for sunbathing and swimming. It usually gets hot in July. The summer nights are short, but they are wonderful.

Опубликовано в группе «Учителя иностранного языка»

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